Friday Morning Assembly 8:30 am All grades students come together weekly in the APR to sing together, perhaps share a work in progress from the curriculum, and celebrate those who have added another year. Parents are welcome to observe and sing along!
Friday Morning Assembly 8:30 am All grades students come together weekly in the APR to sing together, perhaps share a work in progress from the curriculum, and celebrate those who have added another year. Parents are welcome to observe and sing along!
Friday Morning Assembly 8:30 am All grades students come together weekly in the APR to sing together, perhaps share a work in progress from the curriculum, and celebrate those who have added another year. Parents are welcome to observe and sing along!
Bring all your old rain, snow, winter, spring, summer, play gear and exchange with other families for the sizes you need. You can drop off bags of your old gear for sorting starting Thursday, May 25.
Help keep our River Valley Waldorf campus beautiful. PLEASE JOIN US FOR SCHOOL BEAUTIFICATION DAY! June 3, 2023 - 10am – noon (rain or shine). . All families are welcome to join us, please bring your gardening/work gloves. We'll provide everything else!