Lower School

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Grades 1-5

Children possess a natural honesty, curiosity and interest in their world; retaining these innate characteristics, while expanding their intellectual capacity, is the primary goal of Waldorf education.  By using the arts and creativity to immerse children in the learning process, by timing the introduction of material to coincide with the age at which students are able to truly understand and work with the concepts, and by providing a safe, open and trusting environment in which to learn, River Valley Waldorf School builds confident, avid, inspired learners…for life.

For the grade school child, the day begins with Main Lesson—a two hour period of time where a particular topic is studied for a block of three to four weeks. Whether the main lesson is math, language arts, science, geography or history, the academic learning is strengthened by both an artistic and an active/practical component. An interdisciplinary, hands-on approach to learning is fundamental to Waldorf grade schools. For example, in the classroom 3rd graders study the components of traditional farming through the seasons. They then practice what they have learned: they start seeds inside, transplant, amend the soil in the garden beds using our own biodynamic compost—which they have helped build—and, once the salad greens reach maturity, they get to eat them in their school lunches. Some seedlings and salad greens are sold to the community. In the process they not only experience the power of growing one’s own food and build a stronger connection the rhythms of nature, but they have a direct experience with the academic concepts of natural sciences, nutrition, measurement, time and money! Practical experiences keep children engaged and encourage problem solving, independence and strong executive function and are found throughout the curriculum at River Valley. In all grades the children create their own illustrated main lesson books to demonstrate what they learn. From the four arithmetic functions in first grade to fables and fairy tales in second grade, through botany and the Greek myths in fifth and the physiology and the Age of Revolutions in eighth, the main lesson books are filled with essays, descriptions, drawings, and mathematical concepts that are poetic, accurate, and beautifully illustrated. These books become a treasure for many families, a beautiful record of their child’s process of learning through the grades.

The class teacher is another unique aspect to Waldorf education. The class teachers stay with their classes from one year to the next, the children benefiting from the security of long-term relationships where learning is enhanced, confidence built and social and emotional skills deepened. Given the increased need for specialization in the middle school years, grades 6, 7 and 8 are taught using a more collaborative, team approach; the class teacher being part of that team.

First Grade

In 1st grade children still have just as much energy as they did in kindergarten, so it is vital that the teacher engage this lively bunch with creativity and activity in all lessons! The groundwork is laid for increasingly complex handwriting skills and drawing with form drawing. Letters are initially introduced imaginatively through pictures. Alliterative verses reinforce the sounds and are carefully copied into the student’s first readers together with illustrations. As the school year progresses, fairy tales, folk tales and nature stories are told, recalled, discussed and dramatized—honing memory, comprehension and language skills. Utilizing this whole language approach, augmented by traditional phonics techniques, these tales are also written into lesson books, allowing children learn to read from treasured records of their own writing. The four basic mathematic processes are personified and introduced through engaging stories: poor Minnie Minus seems to lose everything she puts into her pockets through the holes in the bottoms… Multiplication tables are set to music and sung; they are also clapped and stomped to rhythm as well as being read and written. Engaging the body in memory is an effective tool used in Waldorf education. In the early grades, science is taught through direct experience: nature observation, the creation of pictorial journals, and classroom discussion.

Specialty Subjects:
Spanish, physical education, choral music, handwork, Eurythmy, drawing, painting, modeling, drama, pentatonic flute

Second Grade

2nd graders are beginning to notice more differences in the world and in those around them. Traditional animal fables along with stories of individuals who have made extraordinary contributions to humankind form the core of the language arts curriculum this year. These tales both confirm the differences in personality traits among people and balance our challenges and shortcomings with those aspects of ourselves that can be used in service to the greater good—thereby legitimizing their age-specific experience of the world. As reading skills continue to expand, independent reading— both silent and aloud— is encouraged. Independent writing also begins to play a greater role in language arts. During math lessons, place value, carrying, borrowing, long division and mental math are added to arithmetic skills. Multiplication tables from 1-12 are thoroughly mastered this year.. 

Specialty Subjects:
Spanish, physical education, choral music, handwork, Eurythmy, drawing, painting, modeling, drama, pentatonic flute

Third Grade

Nine year olds are both interesting and challenging individuals! Students at this age often begin to question authority, to question themselves and to demand answers from the world around them. Stories of the Hebrew people are used during this year which, by reflection, lend context to the student’s experience of questioning. It also begins a six year journey which exposes students to the beliefs and evolution of many major world cultures. Spelling and grammar instruction becomes more formal. Practical lessons include Native American studies, housing, farming, gardening and building. While continuing to hone and expand the math skills from second grade, third graders also jump into practical aspects of math, including time, measurement and money. A significant rite of passage at RVWS occurring in third grade is ‘the farm trip.’ Our students spend the school-week living and working at Hawthorne Valley Farm in Ghent, NY through their visiting students program.

Specialty Subjects:
Spanish, gardening, physical education, choral music, handwork, drawing, painting, modeling, Eurythmy, drama, recorder

Fourth Grade

4th graders are becoming more confident and sometimes seem larger than life, filled with both burning questions and profound realizations. The study of Norse mythology, with its brave, boisterous, mischievous and fallible gods & goddesses truly speaks to this age-group. Geography is introduced to support the student’s expanding sense of their neighborhood and world. It begins in their own classroom, fanning outward to encompass the school property, the student’s route from home-to-school, the local community and our region. Knowledge of geography is extended each year through 8th grade until students have been all around the globe! In mathematics, the four basic operations and measurements continue with greater complexity, and fractions are introduced. The study of the animal kingdom and its relationship to the human being forms the core of the 4th grade science curriculum. In language arts, grammar is studied through parts of speech, verb tenses and continued study of punctuation. The 4th grader’s increasing capacity and sense of objectivity is fed through more independent work this year.

Specialty Subjects:
Spanish, string orchestral instrument, physical education, choral music, handwork, drawing, painting, modeling, Eurythmy, drama, recorder

Fifth Grade

Often referred to as the “golden year” or the heart of childhood, students in 5th grade are typically creative, enthusiastic about learning, eager for new challenges and more capable of sustained effort and independent work than ever before. They appear physically strong and balanced. Adolescence is approaching but has not yet arrived, allowing a window of harmony in the social and scholastic arenas.

5th graders study the wonderful stories from Greek mythology as well as the art and architecture and big ideas that arose from ancient Greece. Adding excitement to the school year, the students train for and participate in a multi-school regional Greek Olympiad. The cultures of ancient India, Persia, Mesopotamia and Egypt are also explored during 5th grade, cultivating an appreciation for the varied influences resulting in our present-day western civilization. In math, fractions are reinforced, and decimals and the metric system are introduced and practiced. The skills gained in form drawing in earlier grades are utilized during freehand geometric drawing; this provides an introduction to working with compasses and protractors in 6th grade. The science curriculum’s focus is botany, the students taking a journey through the world of plants, from the “lowly” fungus and lichen to the great deciduous trees and refined flowering plants. Insect pollinators are also a part of the botany block. Geography expands to encompass all of North America—its mountains, rivers, neighboring oceans, natural resources & some folklore of the regions.

Specialty Subjects:
Spanish including grammar, string orchestral instrument, sculpture, Eurythmy, recorder, physical education, choral music, handwork, drawing, painting, modeling, drama

1395 Bridgeton Hill Rd
Upper Black Eddy, PA 18972


or 610-982-5606

Contact River Valley

River Valley Waldorf School
1395 Bridgeton Hill Rd
Upper Black Eddy, PA 18972
Contact River Valley

Three Pillars

At River Valley Waldorf School, community is deeply cherished and upheld through the collaborative efforts of three essential pillars: the Faculty & Administration, the Board of Trustees, and the Parent Council. The Faculty & Administration serve as the guiding force behind the school's educational vision and day-to-day operations. They are responsible for creating a nurturing and enriching learning environment, implementing Waldorf pedagogy, and supporting the holistic development of every student. The Board of Trustees plays a vital role in ensuring the long-term sustainability and strategic direction of the school. They provide oversight, governance, and financial stewardship, working closely with the administration to make informed decisions that uphold the school's mission and values. Lastly, the Parent Council serves as a vital link between the school and its families, fostering a sense of belonging and active engagement within the community. They support various initiatives, organize events, and facilitate communication, promoting a collaborative partnership between parents, faculty, and staff for the benefit of all students. Together, these three pillars form a strong foundation for the River Valley Waldorf School, driving its growth, resilience, and unwavering commitment to holistic education.

The Parent Council is a body of parents invested in working with the governing bodies of the school. This group of parents is composed of representatives from each class. They work to support the Faculty and Administration pillars by building an active community of volunteers brought together for a common purpose which enriches the experience of school life for our children and our families.

The Pedagogical Pillar is composed of the Pedagogical Chair, Pedagogical Leadership Group, and full faculty. The Pedagogical Chair in conjunction with the Head of School is responsible for the long term pedagogical visioning and development of programming and faculty management and organization, as well as overseeing admissions practices to bring pedagogical insight to all admissions decisions. 

The Parent Council consists of ideally two parent representatives from each grade level as core members. The Parent Council coordinates the school’s annual Winter Fair and Mayfaire, communicates volunteer needs to the full parent community, maintains close-knit relationships with the Board and Head of School.

All stakeholders are responsible for supporting the mission of River Valley Waldorf School. Decisions are made with appropriate stakeholder consultation and collaboration.

The Three Pillars meet at least once annually and are represented by the faculty, the Board of Trustees, administrative staff and Parent Council representatives. The annual meeting addresses school visioning, planning and communication. 


Governance Structure

River Valley Waldorf School utilizes a governance model that includes a Board of Trustees, Head of School, and Pedagogical Leadership Group. Both the Board of Trustees and Pedagogical Leadership Group utilize consensus decision making. Utilizing consensus decision-making fosters an inclusive and collaborative form of governance by ensuring that all voices are heard and valued. Through this process, diverse perspectives are considered, leading to more holistic and well-rounded outcomes that reflect the collective wisdom of the group. By prioritizing cooperation and compromise over majority rule, consensus decision-making promotes a sense of ownership and commitment among participants, ultimately strengthening community cohesion and resilience.

The Head of School plays a pivotal role as a bridge between the three pillars of the River Valley Waldorf School community, serving as a cornerstone for effective communication and mutual support. As the chief executive officer, they bear the responsibility of upholding the school's overarching vision and executing its mission with unwavering dedication. In addition to managing faculty and staff, the Head of School oversees the day-to-day operations, ensuring the smooth functioning of the institution. They also bear the crucial responsibility of safeguarding the financial health of the school as directed by the Board of Trustees, implementing strategic initiatives to sustain its growth and vitality for years to come.

The Board of Trustees (BOT) carries the weighty responsibility of stewardship for the past, present, and future generations of the school community. Comprising dedicated individuals including parents, faculty, and friends of the school, the board is entrusted with the vital task of ensuring the school's enduring success through strategic long-range planning, meticulous oversight of administrative affairs, and prudent management of fiscal and legal considerations. Their commitment to preserving the school's values and fostering its growth exemplifies their dedication to serving as custodians of its legacy and aspirations. The Head of School (HOS) carries out the policies established by the Board of Trustees. Within these guidelines, the Head of School is accountable for board relationships, organization, planning and analysis, fundraising, academics, program & service support, personnel, finance, institutional image, environment, constituent relations, and enrollment & recruitment.

The Pedagogical Leadership Group (PLG) carries out the pedagogical management of the school, as dictated by the faculty approved mandate. Pedagogy comprises all activities pertaining to the school’s programs and the interaction with students, including classroom teaching, curricular and extracurricular activities, student social events, and class trips. The PLG is chaired by the Pedagogical Chair who provides support and leadership to the faculty, working in service of the faculty through collaborative leadership. The Pedagogical Chair works closely with the Faculty, Administration, and the Head of School to plan and implement the pedagogical and administrative objectives of the school community.

The Board of Trustees and full faculty regularly utilize a committee structure to facilitate work and decision-making. While adhering to legal requirements and general best practices of independent schools, River Valley Waldorf School practices a balance of consensus decision making and mandate committee structure. The decision making authority of committees are dictated by mandates. The assignment of a mandate allocates responsibility for a particular management task. Decisions made by committees are supported by the mandate assigning group and reviewed by the Head of School for alignment with the school’s mission, vision, and core values. 

The Board of Trustees has the ultimate authority and responsibility for River Valley Waldorf School, including legal responsibility, fiscal responsibility, and long-range planning. The Board of Trustees has delegated authority to administer programs and manage the day-to-day operations of the school to the Head of School. The Head of School reports to the Board of Trustees and is supported by the Pedagogical Chair, Director of Operations, Business Administrator, Enrollment Coordinator, and Advancement Director. The Head of School’s main responsibilities are board relationships, management of the organization and personnel, planning and analysis of operations and finance, fundraising, pedagogy and academic programming, institutional image, the school environment, constituent relations, and enrollment and recruitment of students. 

Board of Trustees' Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Commitments

River Valley Waldorf School is committed to creating an inclusive culture that values and celebrates the diversity of our school community, The Waldorf movement emphasizes the importance of recognizing the virtue in each human; River Valley strives to maintain an environment that values and supports its members across all intersections of their identities. It is our goal to be accountable and to meet challenges with courage and grace. 

Along with the Association of Waldorf Schools of North America, we recognize that the Waldorf movement’s promise of honoring the inherent beauty and integrity of each individual has sometimes fallen short for historically marginalized students and community members. River Valley Waldorf School recognizes that Rudolf Steiner, the founder of Waldorf education (1919), provided many profound insights that uphold the value and dignity of each human being and form the foundation of our organization's history and worldview. However, he also made statements containing harmful assertions about race and ethnicity. Racism, whether explicit or implicit, is fundamentally opposed to the core principles of Waldorf education.

River Valley Waldorf School’s Board of Trustees is dedicated to improving equity and strengthening anti-bias and anti-racist (ABAR) practices and makes the following commitments:

1. To hire Heads of School who prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion work and practices;

2. To verify that the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion are applied to programming, practices, and policies;

3. To ask questions about school culture and climate and hold the school accountable to its goals for diversity, equity, and inclusion;

4. To develop policies that promote diversity, minimize inequities, and increase inclusion;

5. To allocate resources to ensure that diversity, equity, and inclusion can be moved forward at River Valley Waldorf School; and

6. To ensure that diversity, equity, and inclusion centered goals are a key part of the school’s long term strategic planning.

7. To deepen learning, development, and self-study in the realm of diversity, equity, inclusion, and to strive to identify bias in policy or interpersonal dynamics. 


© River Valley Waldorf School